Over 45 Years of Beasley Allen

In 1979, after serving as Alabama’s lieutenant governor for eight years and Governor for a short time, Jere Locke Beasley chose to transition from politics back to his legal roots. He founded what is known today as Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles, P.C., or the Beasley Allen Law Firm.

For over four decades, our firm has led the charge in effecting change, steadfastly adhering to Jere’s enduring commitment to “helping those who need it most.”

Our dedication to securing justice for our clients has never wavered. We’re here to advocate for you as well. With attorneys who practice nationwide, we can serve you from anywhere.

Beasley Allen is one of the country’s leading civil litigation firms, holding several national records for verdicts and settlements that have impacted both industries and the public. For more on our latest victories and settlements, please see below.


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Since 1979, Beasley Allen has been committed to “helping those who need it most.” Our attorneys have helped thousands of clients get the justice they desperately needed and deserved. You pay us nothing if we do not win for you. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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